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Resultados de la búsqueda para 'omer maxi laser 5005 886440012397'

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  1. -11% Cressi XS Compact / AC2
    Unión del 2° nuevo etapa equilibrado XS Compact con el 1°etapa AC2 a pistón tradicional.

  2. Unión del 2° nuevo estadio equilibrado XS Compact con el 1° estadio hiper-equilibrado MC9 . Octopus XS Compact.

  3. -17% Cressi XS Compact Pro SC Cressi XS Compact Pro SC
    Regulator designed especially for cold water. Combines a balanced diaphragm first stage with an SC cold water system with a sealed chamber and a light and compact second stage, that is a high performer in waters colder than 10°C. This premiere travel regulator packs maximum performance into minimum space. A true featherweight second stage, the Compact is built from lightweight techno-polymers to eliminate jaw fatigue. Easy to pack and easy to dive, the Compact includes dive/pre-dive Venturi switch for managing freeflow and maximizing performance at depth.

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